


Corresponding author



59. Osawa T (in press) Agricultural land around river confluences could strongly suppress floods occurrences. Environment and Sustainability Indicators 100533


58. Sawada Y, Sato N, Osawa T, Matsumoto K, Chiu Ming-Chung, Okada R, Sakura M, Sato T (in press) An evolutionary trap for the extended phenotype of a nematomorph parasite. PNAS nexus


57. Iijima D, Osawa T (2024) Seasonal changes in altitudinal patterns of bird species richness in a temperate low-elevation mountain.

     Acta Oecologia


56. Nakatani M, Osawa T (2024) Assessment of Suitability for Photovoltaic Power Generation in Periurban Seminatural Grasslands: Toward the Coexistence of Seminatural Grasslands and Photovoltaic Power Generation.

     Discover Sustainability 5: 141.


55. Fujii M, Takagi E, Osawa T (2024) Differential phase of Platypus quercivorus attacks in urban green space: A case study on 2 urban parks in Tokyo.

     Tree,Forest and People 16: 100554.


54. Osawa T (2024) Overlap relationship between the priority of land consolidation and the floodplain wetland potential in paddy field.

     Ecological Research 39: 242-249.


53. Yoshida K, Hata K, Kawakami K, Hiradate S, Osawa T, Kachi N (2023) Predicting ecosystem changes by a new model of ecosystem evolution.

     Scientific Reports 13:15353.


52. Osawa T, Tsutsumida N, Iijima H, Okabe K (2023) Prediction of the visit and occupy of the sika deer (Cervus nippon) during the summer season using a virtual ecological approach.

     Scientific Reports 13:4007.


51.Baba YG , Osawa T, Kusumoto Y, Tanaka K (2023) Multi-spatial-scale factors determining the abundance of frogs in rice paddy fields and their potential as biological control agents.

     WETLAND 43:17.


50.Ohata S , Osawa T, Sato N, Tsutsumida N (2022) Large, concealed islands in the urban sea: Scattered surrounding green space enhances the quality of grassland habitats in urban parks, Tokyo.

     Urban Ecosystems.


49. Osawa T (2022) Evaluating the effectiveness of basin management using agricultural land for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction.

     International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 103445.


48.Tamura Y , Osawa T, Tabuchi K, Yamasaki K, Niiyama T, Sudo S, Ishigooka Y, Yoshoka A, Takada MB (2022) Estimating plant-insect interactions under climate change with limited data.

     Scientific Reports 12:10554.


47.Onozuka M, Osawa T (2022) Utilization potential of alien plants in nature-based tourism sites: A case study on Agave americana (century plant) in the Ogasawara Islands.

     Ecological Economics 195:107362.


46.Doi H, Osawa T, Tsutsumida N (2022) Assessing the potential repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on global SDG attainment.

     Discover Sustainability 3 Article number 2.


45.Osawa T, Tsunoda H, Shimada T, Miwa M(2022) Establishment of an expansion-predicting model for invasive alien cerambycid beetle Aromia bungii based on a virtual ecology approach.

     Management of Biological Invasions 13: 24-44.


44.Yamasaki K, Tabuchi K, Takahashi A, Osawa T, Yoshioka A, Ishigooka Y, Sudo S, Takada M (2021)Intraspecific variations in life history traits of two pecky rice bug species from Japan: mapping emergence dates and number of annual generations.

     Ecology and Evolution 11: 16936-16950.


43.Osawa T, Nishida T, Oka T (2021) Potential of mitigating floodwater damage to residential areas using paddy fields in water storage zones.

     International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 62: 102410.


42.Ikeda K, Osawa T(2020) Predicting disease occurrence of cabbage Verticillium wilt in monoculture using species distribution modeling.

     PeerJ 8:e10290. https://peerj.com/articles/10290/

41.Osawa T, Nishida T, Oka T (2020) Paddy fields located in water storage zones could take over the wetland plant community.

     Scientific Reports 10:14806.


40.Osawa T, Ueno Y, Nishida T, Nishihiro J (2020) Do both habitat and species diversity provide cultural ecosystem services? A trial using geo-tagged photos.

     Nature Conservation 38: 61-77.


39.Osawa T, Nishida T, Oka T (2020) High tolerance land use against flood disasters: How paddy fields as previously natural wetland inhibit the occurrence of floods.

     Ecological Indicators 144: 106306.


38.Yoshida K, hata K, Kawakami K, Hiradate S, Osawa T, Kachi N (2019)Ecosystem changes following the eradication of invasive species: evaluation of various eradication scenarios by computer simulation.

     Ecological Modelling 413.


37.Matsuzaki SS, Kohzu A, Kadoya T, Watanabe M, Osawa T, Komatsu K, Kondo N, Yamaguchi H, Ando H, Shimotori K, Fukaya K, Nakagawa M, Kizuka T, Yoshioka A, Sasai T, Saigusa N,Matsushita R, Takamura N (2019) Role of wetlands in mitigating the tradeoff between crop production and water quality in agricultural landscapes.

     Ecosphere e02918.


36.Osawa T, Akasaka M, Kachi N (2019) Facilitation of management plan development via spatial classification of areas invaded by alien invasive plant.

     Biological Invasions 21: 2067-2080.


35.Ohnishi N, Osawa T, Yamamoto T, Uno R (2019)Landscape heterogeneity in landform and land use provides functional resistance to gene flow in continuous Asian black bear populations.

     Ecology and Evolution 9: 4958-4968.


34.Egawa C, Osawa T, Nishida T, Furukawa Y (2019)Relative importance of biological and human-associated factors for alien plant invasions in Hokkaido, Japan.

     Journal of Plant Ecology 12: 673-681.


33.Yamamoto A, Matsumoto T, Kobayashi H, Osawa T, Kachi N, Eguchi K (2018)Preliminary Report on Unnoticed Establishment of Pheidole parva Mayr Complex (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) in the Ogasawara Islands: a Potential Risk to Native Ground-dwelling Invertebrates.

     Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 3: 53-59


32.Oo AZ, Sudo S, Inubushi K, C. Umamageswari, Yamamoto A, Ono K, Mano M, Hayashida S, K. Vanitha, Osawa T, Terao Y, Jothimani P, Elayakumar P,Ravi P (2018) Mitigation Potential and Yield-Scaled Global Warming Potential of Early-Season Drainage from a Rice Paddy in Tamil Nadu, India.

Agronomy 8(10): 202


31.Koyanagi TF, Furukawa T, Osawa T2018Nestedness-resultant community disassembly process of extinction debt in a highly fragmented semi-natural grassland.

Plant Ecology 219: 1093-1103.


30.Hata K, Osawa T, Hiradate S, Kachi N2018Soil erosion alters soil chemical properties and limits grassland plant establishment on an oceanic island even after goat eradication..

Restoration Ecology 27: 333-342.


29.Osawa T, Yamasaki K, Tabuchi K, Yoshioka A, Ishigooka Y, Sudo S, Takada MB2018Climate-mediated population dynamics enhances distribution range expansion of the pest insect, Stenotus rubrovittatus..

Basic and Applied Ecology 30: 41-51.


28. Osawa T, Yamasaki K, Tabuchi K, Yoshioka A, Takada MB2018Detecting crucial dispersal pathways using a virtual ecology approach: a case study of the mirid bug Stenotus rubrovittatus..

AMBIO 47: 806-815.


27.Oo AZ, Sudo S, Inubushi K, Mano M, Yamamoto A, Ono K, Osawa T, Hayashida A,Prabir K. Patra, Yukio Terao, P. Elayakumar, K. Vanitha, C. Umamageswari,P. Jothimani, V. Ravi2018Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from conventional and modified rice cultivation systems in South India.

Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environment 252:148-158.


26.Vanderbilt K, O'Brien M, Lin CC, Blankman D, Porter J, Jeong K, Yang H, Osawa T, O Tuama E, Kim ES Lu SS, Bertrand N, Guo X, Su W, Henshaw D, HeHL2017A prototype system for multilingual data discovery of International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER) Network research data..

Ecological Informatics 40: 93-101.


25.Osawa TOkawa SKurokawa SAndo S2016Generating an agricultural risk map based on limited ecological information: a case study using Sicyos angulatus.

AMBIO 45(8): 895-903.


24.Osawa TKohyama KMitsuhashi H2016Trade-off relationship between modern agriculture and biodiversity: Heavy consolidation work has a long-term negative impact on plant species diversity..

Land Use Policy 54: 78-84.


23.Osawa THata KKachi N2016Eradication of feral goats enhances expansion of the invasive shrub Leucaena leucocephala L. on Nakoudo-jima, an oceanic island..

Weed Research 56(2): 168-178.


22.Osawa TKohyama KMitsuhashi H2016Multiple factors drive regional agricultural abandonment..

Science of the Total Environment 542: 478-483.


21. Takami YOsawa T2016Ecological differentiation and habitat unsuitability maintaining a ground beetle hybrid zone.

     Ecology & Evolution 6:113-124.


20.Osawa T2015Burning management mediates the coexistence of plant species in a semi-natural grassland..

Natureza & Conservação 13: 171-177.


19.Katayama N, Osawa T, Amano T, Kusumoto Y (2015)Are both agricultural intensification and farmland abandonment threats to biodiversity? A test with bird communities in paddy-dominated landscapes..

Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environment 214: 21-30.


18. Osawa T, Ito K (2015) A rapid method for constructing precaution maps based on a simple virtual ecology model: a case study on the range expansion of the invasive aquatic species Limnoperna fortunei.

     Population Ecology 57(3): 529-538.


17. Hiradate S, Morita S, Hata K, Osawa T, Sugai K, Kachi N (2015) Effects of soil erosion and seabird activities on chemical properties of surface soil on an oceanic island in Ogasawara Islands, Japan.

     CATENA 57(3): 529-538.


16. Akasaka M*Osawa T*Ikegami M2015The role of roads and urban area in occurrence of an ornamental invasive weed: a case of Rudbeckia laciniata L..

Urban Ecosystems 18(3): 1021-1030. *top two authors contributed equally


15.Osawa T2015Importance of farmland in urbanized areas as a landscape component for barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) nesting on concrete buildings.

     Environmental Management 55(5):1160-1167. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00267-015-0457-5?sa_campaign=email/event/articleAuthor/onlineFirst

14.Ohsawa TOsawa T2014Quantifying effects of legal and non-legal designations of alien plant species on their control and profile.

     Biological Invasions 16(12):2669-2680. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10530-014-0695-0

13.Osawa TMitsuhashi HUshimaru A2014Plant species coexistence relationships may shift according to life history traits and seasons.

     Plant Ecology 215:597-612. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11258-014-0325-z?sa_campaign=email/event/articleAuthor/onlineFirst

12.Osawa TWatanabe KIkeda HYamamoto S2014New approach for evaluating habitat stability using scarce records for both historical and contemporary specimens: A case study using Carabidae specimen records.

   Entomological Science 17:425-431.  http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ens.12075/abstract

11. Ohnishi NOsawa T2014A difference in the genetic distribution pattern between the sexes in the Asian black bear.

   Mammal study  39(1):11-16. http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.3106/041.039.0103

10.Osawa TKohyama KMitsuhashi H2013Areas of increasing agricultural abandonment overlap the distribution of previously common, currently threatened plant species.

   PLoS ONE 8(11): e79978. http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0079978

9.Osawa TMitsuhashi HNiwa H2013Many alien invasive plants disperse against the direction of stream flow in riparian areas.

   Ecological Complexity 15:26-32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecocom.2013.01.009

8. Tsuji MUshimaru AOsawa TMitsuhashi H2011Paddy-associated frog declines via urbanization: a test of the dispersal-dependent-decline hypothesis.

   Landscape and Urban Planning 103:318-325. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169204611002507  

7.Osawa T2011Management-mediated facilitation: Miscanthus sinensis functions as a nurse plant in Satoyama grassland.

   Grassland Science 57(4):204-210. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1744-697X.2011.00228.x/abstract

6.Osawa TMitsuhashi HUematsu YUshimaru A2011Bagging GLM: Improved generalized linear model for the analysis of zero-inflated data.

   Ecological Informatics 6:270-275. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1574954111000471

5.Osawa TMitsuhashi HNiwa HUshimaru A2011The role of river confluences and meanderings in preserving local hot spots for threatened plant species in riparian ecosystems.

   Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21:358-363. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/aqc.1194/abstract

4.Osawa TMitsuhashi HNiwa HUshimaru A2010Differences in distribution patterns around river confluences among hydrophilic vegetation groups.

   Ecological Research 25(6):1161-1169. http://www.springerlink.com/content/tl237wr0388614nj/

3.Osawa TMitsuhashi HNiwa HUshimaru A2010High diversity at network nodes: river confluences enhance vegetation diversity.

   The Open Ecology Journal pp.48-58. http://www.bentham.org/open/toecolj/openaccess2.htm (Open Access)

2.Osawa TMitsuhashi HUshimaru A2010River confluences enhance riparian plant species diversity.

   Plant Ecology 209:95-108. http://springerlink.com/content/n2g832201487218p/?p=c7155b79d7eb40108794a7b45d7ae437&pi=8

1. Miyazaki YOsawa TWaguchi Y2009Resource level as a proximate factor influencing fluctuations in male flower production in Cryptomeria japonica D. Don.

Journal of Forest Research 14:358-364. http://www.springerlink.com/content/j7765687k02g70h1/



6. Parker-Allie F, Pando F, Telenius A, Ganglo JC, Velez D, Gibbons MJ, Talavan A, Raymond M, Russell L, Talukdar G, Vargas M, Radji R, Koivula H, Heughebaert A, Endresen D, Amariles-Garcia D, Osawa T (2021) Towards a Post-Graduate Level Curriculum for Biodiversity Informatics. Perspectives from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Community.

     Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e68010.


5.Downey, H., T. Amano, M. Cadotte, C.N. Cook, S.J. Cooke, N.R. Haddaway, J.P.G. Jones, N. Littlewood, J.C. Walsh, M.I. Abrahams, G. Adum, M. Akasaka, J.A. Alves,  R.E. Antwis, E.C. Arellano, J. Axmacher, H. Barclay, L. Batty, A. Benitez-Lopez, J.R. Bennett, M.J. Berg, S. Bertolino, D. Biggs, F.C. Bolam, T. Bray, B.W. Brook, J.W. Bull, Z.Burivalova, M. Cabeza, A.L.M. Chauvenet, A.P. Christie, L. Cole, A.J. Cotton, S. Cotton, S.A.O. Cousins, D. Craven, W. Cresswell, J.J. Cusack,S. Dalrymple, Z.G. Davies, A. Diaz, J.A. Dodd, A. Felton, E. Fleishman, C.J. Gardner, R. Garside, A. Ghoddousi, J.J. Gilroy, D.A. Gill, J.A. Gill, L. Glew, M.J. Grainger, A.A. Grass, S. Greshon, J. Gundry, T. Hart, C.R. Hopkins, C. Howe, A. Johnson, K.W. Jones, N.R. Jordan, T. Kadoya, D. Kerhoas, J. Koricheva, T.M. Lee, S. Lengyel, S.W. Livingstone, A. Lyons, G. McCabe, J. Millett, C. Montes Strevens, A. Moolna, H.L. Mossman, N. Mukherjee, A. Munoz-Saez, N. Negroes, O. Norfolk, T. Osawa, S. Papworth, K.J. Park, J. Pellet, A.D. Phillott, J.M. Plotnik, D. Priatna, A.G. Ramos, N. Randall, R.M. Richards, E.G. Ritchie, D.L. Roberts, R. Rocha, J.P. Rodriguez, R. Sanderson, T. Sasaki, S. Savilaakso, C. Sayer, C. Sekercioglu,  M. Senzaki, G. Smith, R.J. Smith, M. Soga, C.D. Soulsbury, M.D. Steer, G. Stewart, E.F. Strange, A.J. Suggitt, R.R.J. Thompson, S. Thompson, I. Thornhill, R.J. Trevelyan, H.O. Usieta, O. Venter, A.D. Webber, R.L. White, M.J. Whittingham, A. Wilby, R.W. Yarnell, V. Zamora and W.J. Sutherland. (2021) Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management. 

     Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2: e12032.


4. Nagai S, Shibata H, Osawa T, Yamakita T, Nakamura M, Kenta T (2020) Toward more data publication of long-term ecological observations.

     Ecological Research 35: 700-707.


3. Osawa T (2020) Establishing strategic management plan for alien invasive plants in Ogasawara islands.

     Global Environmental Research 23: 21-28.


2. Kondo Y, Ota K, Osawa T, Ushijima K, Kumazawa T, Nakashima K, Okuda N, Nakahara S, Baptista BV, Miyata A, Murayama Y, Onishi H, Sato K, Nakanishi H, Hayashi K, Ikeuchi U (2019)Interlinking open science and community-based participatory research for socio-environmental issues.

     Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 39: 54-61.


1.Osawa T (2019)Perspectives on Biodiversity Informatics for Ecology.

     Ecological Research 34: 446-456.




23.永井 祥生, 大浦 泰嗣, 大澤 剛士(受理)都市緑地における樹木3種の微量金属元素吸収能力と大気浄化の可能性. 保全生態学研究.

22.西田 貴明, 遠香 尚史, 吉成 絵里香, 大澤 剛士2024)地方自治体の規模がグリーンインフラ、生態系を活用した防災・減災の政策に及ぼす影響. 保全生態学研究.


21.山口 朝美, 大澤剛士(2024)クロヤツシロランの生育可能条件からみる竹林のハビタットとしての有用性.



20.浮田 悠, 佐藤 臨, 大澤剛士(2023)東京都多摩地域南部におけるゲンジボタル Luciola cruciataの生息に及ぼす過去の土地被覆の影響.



19.佐々木 翔哉, 大澤剛士(2023)南多摩地域から世田谷区の都市公園に生息するホンドタヌキの食性と人工景観の関係.

     哺乳類科学 63: 69-85.


18.佐々木 翔哉, 大澤剛士(2022)東京都南多摩地域における疥癬症に感染したタヌキの活動時間.

     保全生態学研究 27:275-281.



     保全生態学研究 27: 31-41.


16.佐々木譲・大澤剛士 (2021)土着クモによる害虫抑制の可能性-青森県五戸町のゴボウ畑における事例-.

     北日本病害虫研究会報 72:130-135.


     保全生態学研究 26: 113-124.


14.大澤剛士・加藤和紀・辻本明(2020)神奈川県足柄下郡箱根町における特定外来生物オオハンゴンソウ(Rudbeckia laciniata L.)の駆除活動による著しい個体数減少.

     保全生態学研究 25: 297-306.


13.大澤剛士・川野智美(2019)特定外来生物オオハンゴンソウ(Rudbeckia laciniata L.)のマルチスケールでの管理計画立案―広域的な管理方針地図と詳細な作業計画地図の作成―.

     保全生態学研究 24: 135-134.



応用生態工学 19(2):211-220.


11.大澤剛士・大前雄介(2016)経年モニタリングデータを活用した外来生物の封じ込め計画地図の作成-都市域に発生した外来陸貝Helix aspersaを例に-.

保全生態学研究 21(1):33-40.



保全生態学研究 20(2):167-179. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hozen/20/2/20_KJ00010232606/_article/-char/ja/


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保全生態学研究 18(2):157-165. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hozen/18/2/18_KJ00008993969/_article/-char/ja/


保全生態学研究 17(2):271-277. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hozen/17/2/17_KJ00008327550/_article/-char/ja/

6.大澤剛士・神山和則・桑形恒男・須藤重人(2012Web APIを活用した個別データベースシステムの横断利用.

農業情報研究 21(1):1-10. http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/air/21/1/_contents/-char/ja/


河川技術論文集 17.


保全生態学研究 14(1):37-43. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hozen/14/1/14_KJ00005576303/_article/-char/ja/


河川技術論文集 14:403-408. http://library.jsce.or.jp/jsce/open/00906/2008/14-0403.pdf


保全生態学研究 13(2):179-186. http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110007008406

1.大澤剛士・赤坂宗光(2007)特定外来生物オオハンゴンソウ(Rudbeckia laciniata L.)6月の刈り取りから受ける影響. 

保全生態学研究 12(2):151-155.  http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110006474151




地球環境 28: 103-114.

9.大澤剛士・天野達也・大澤隆文・高橋康夫・櫻井玄・西田貴明・江成広斗(2019)生物多様性に関わる政策課題を俯瞰するlegislative scan−日本における研究と実践の隔たりの解消に向けて−.

保全生態学研究 24: 135-149.


8.大澤剛士・戸津久美子(2017)生物多様性情報の標準データフォーマットDarwin Core Archiveと生態学データに適合させる拡張形式 "Sample-based Data".

保全生態学研究 22(2): 371-381.



野生生物と社会 5(1): 17-27.



保全生態学研究 22(1): 41-53.



雑草研究 59(2):81-92. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/weed/-char/ja/


日本生態学会誌 64(3):183-199. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/seitai/64/3/64_KJ00009702597/_article/-char/ja/


統計数理 61:217-231. http://www.ism.ac.jp/editsec/toukei/tokeisuri-61j.html#NO2


雑草研究 58(1):22-28. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/weed/58/1/_contents/-char/ja/


保全生態学研究 16(2):231-241.  https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hozen/16/2/16_KJ00007628631/_article/-char/ja/



10. Okanishi M, Hisanori Kohtsuka, Izumi Komori, Michiyo Kawabata, Osawa TacceptSpecimen-based records and geographic locations of brittle stars (Echinodermata) collected from Sagami Bay.

Ecological Research

9. Yoshimatsu S, Watabiki D, Osawa T2020Specimen-based records of geometrid, pyralid, and crambid moths (Lepidoptera) with location information from the collection of Dr. Hiroshi Inoue.

Ecological Research 35: 1051-1056


8.Osawa T, Yoshimatsu S, Nakatani Y2020Specimen based records and geographic locations of carabid beetles (Coleoptera) collected mainly by Dr. Kazuo Tanaka.

Ecological Research 35: 1029-1034


7.Osawa T, Takehiko Yamanaka, Yukinobu Nakatani, Jun Nishihiro, Shiori Takahashi, Suzuki Mahoro, Hironobu Sasaki2017A crowdsourcing approach to collecting photo-based insect and plant observation records.

Biodiversity Data Journal 5: e21271


6.Osawa T, Yuki G. Baba, Tatsumi Suguro, Noriaki Naya, Takeo Yamauchi2017Specimen records of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) by monthly census for 3 years in forest areas of Yakushima Island, Japan.

Biodiversity Data Journal 5: e14789.


5.Keita Fukasawa, Yoshio Mishima, Akira Yoshioka, Nao Kumada, Kumiko Totsu, Osawa T2016Mammal assemblages recorded by camera traps inside and outside the evacuation zone of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant accident.

Ecological Research 31(4):493. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11284-016-1366-7


Bird Research R1-R8.


3.Osawa T, Taku Kadoya, Kohyama K2015Agricultural land use 5- and 10-km mesh datasets based on governmental statistics for 1970 - 2005.

Ecological Research 30(5):757.


2.Itsarapong Voraphab, Yupa Hanboonsong, Youichi Kobori, Hiroaki Ikeda, Osawa T*2015Insect species recorded in sugarcane fields of Khon Kaen Province (Thailand) over three seasons in 2012.

Ecological Research 30(3):415.    *corresponding author


1.Osawa T2013Monitoring records of plant species in the Hakone region of Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, Japan, 2001-2010 .

Ecological Research 28(4):541. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11284-013-1049-6



22.大澤 剛士・山野 博哉 (受理) 行政境界周辺が“結果的”に生物多様性の保全に貢献してきた可能性と、今後も持続的に保全されるための方策.


21.大澤 剛士(2024)人間社会に内在化された生態系の価値と,それを保全する意義.


20.池田 健太郎, 飯塚 弘明, 佐藤 吉雄, 星野 啓佑, 新井 美優,大澤 剛士(2023) ドローンの空撮画像を活用したコンニャク栽培圃場における倒伏株割合の推定.

     関東東山病害虫研究会報 70: 53-56.

19.大澤 剛士(2023)シチズンサイエンスによる生物調査の理想と現実.

     情報の科学と技術 73: 493-499.


18.大澤 剛士(2023)河川環境データベースのオープンデータ化.


17.大澤 剛士・三橋 弘宗・細矢 剛・神保 宇嗣・渡辺 恭平・持田 誠 (2021) GBIF日本ノードJBIFの歩みとこれから:日本における生物多様性情報の進むべき方向.

     保全生態学研究 26: 345-359.


16.大澤 剛士(2019) レガシーデータを再利用してアカスジカスミカメの分布拡大メカニズムに迫る.

     植物防疫 73: 549-555

15.大澤 剛士・細矢 剛・戸津 久美子 (2019) 生物多様性情報学の今後を見通すGlobal Biodiversity informatics Conference2 GBIF2)参加報告.

     日本生態学会誌 69: 119-125

14.西田 貴明・大澤 剛士・吉田 丈人・宮川 絵里香 (2019) ポスト2020 年の生物多様性政策に向けて.

     日本生態学会誌 69: 13-18

13.天野 達也・大澤 剛士・赤坂 宗光 (2017) 特集にあたって:保全科学が挑む情報のギャップ.

     保全生態学研究 22:1-3

12.大澤 剛士2017)オープンデータがもつデータ開放.の意味を再考する:自由な利用と再利用の担保に向けて.

     情報管理 60(1): 11-19.

11.大澤 剛士・上野 裕介(2017)生態学研究と実務の間に存在するギャップを考える.

     日本生態学会誌 67: 257-265.

10.佐々木 宏展・大西 亘・大澤 剛士2016"市民科学"が持つ意義を多様な視点から再考する.

     保全生態学研究 21(2): 243-248.

9.大澤 剛士・細矢 剛・伊藤 元巳・神保 宇嗣・山野 博哉(2016)日本における生物多様性情報概況-生物多様性情報概況GBIOの和訳公開と国内動向-.

    日本生態学会誌 66(1).215-220.

8.大澤 剛士・岩崎 亘典(2016)環境科学分野における研究データのオープンデータ化の現状と課題.

    環境情報科学 44-4:35-40.

7.大澤 剛士・神保 宇嗣・岩崎 亘典(2014)オープンデータ.という考え方と、生物多様性分野への適用に向けた課題.

    日本生態学会誌 64(2): 153-162.

6.大澤 剛士・鎌内 宏光・細矢 剛・伊藤 元巳(2013LTERGBIFにおける国際的な生物多様性データベースの動向と日本国内の課題 -国際ワークショップ参加報告-.

    日本生態学会誌 63(2):269-273.

5.佐々木 宏展・大澤 剛士・久加 朋子・前田 知己・石田 裕子・清水 洋平・三橋 弘宗(2011)コンクリート三面張り河川における生息場所不均一性と底生動物の群集構造の関係.

    人と自然 No.22:13-20. http://hitohaku.jp/research_collections/bulletins.html

4.久加 朋子・清水 洋平・大澤 剛士・石田 裕子・佐々木 宏展・稲本 雄太・三橋 弘宗(2010)コンクリート河川におけるゲンジホタルとカワニナの生息場所再生の試み-簡易水制の設置方法と効果検証-.

    人と自然 No.21:159-165. http://hitohaku.jp/research_collections/bulletins.html

3.大澤 剛士・上妻 信夫(2009)神奈川県箱根町におけるニホンジカの侵入状況.

     保全生態学研究 14(2):279-282. http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110007503417

2.久加 朋子・大澤 剛士・石田 裕子・佐々木 宏展・前田 知己・三橋 弘宗(2008)太陽光発電と小型揚水ポンプを用いた簡易魚道内の水位維持の試み-設置方法と効果の紹介-.

人と自然 No.19:95-100. http://www.hitohaku.jp/research_collections/bulletins.html

1.大澤 剛士20072000年から2005年までの仙石原湿原の景観変化-写真による印象調査-.

神奈川県自然誌資料28:23-26. http://nh.kanagawa-museum.jp/kenkyu/nhr/nhr28.html








5.農業環境情報データカタログサイトNIAES VIC (2016) https://niaesvic.dc.affrc.go.jp/

4.土壌のCO2見える化サイト (2013) https://soilco2.rad.naro.go.jp/

3.生物情報収集プロジェクトポータル (2013) (現在は閉鎖)

2.農業環境統合データセンターgamsDB (2011) (現在は閉鎖)




12.Osawa T (2024) The essential principle for appropriate data policy of citizen science projects: Correspondence for the diverse and transmutable attributes of participants. in Community Science in Ecology: Case Studies of Public Participation in Ecological Research in Japan (ed. Suzuki-Ohno, Y.) (Springer).


11.Osawa T (2024) Citizen science for social decision-making: Avoiding missteps and unlocking potentials. in Community Science in Ecology: Case Studies of Public Participation in Ecological Research in Japan (ed. Suzuki-Ohno, Y.) (Springer).


10.Osawa T, Nishida T2022Toward social infrastructure: typological idea for evaluating implementation potential of green infrastructure. In Green Infrastructure: evaluation, implementation and governanceNakamura F. eds,Springer.[査読あり]


9.Osawa T, Nishida T, Oka T2022Paddy fields as green infrastructure: their ecosystem services and threatening drivers. In Green Infrastructure: evaluation, implementation and governanceNakamura F. eds,Springer. [査読あり]


8.大澤 剛士(2021)ひらかれた協働で生物多様性の研究と実践の隔たりを超える. 環境問題を解く—ひらかれた協働研究のすすめ(近藤 康久・大西 秀之編),かもがわ出版, 京都.

7.大澤剛士(2020)半自然環境が持つ防災機能. 実践版!グリーンインフラ(グリーンインフラ研究会、三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティング、日経コンストラクション編),日経BP, 東京.


6.大澤剛士(2020)科学データのデジタルアーカイブにおける必須条件「オープンデータ」.デジタルアーカイブ・ベーシックス3 自然史・理工系研究データの活用(井上透 監修/中村覚 責任編集),勉誠出版, 東京.


5.大澤剛士(2018ICTが拓いた生態学における市民参加型調査の可能性と、持続可能な体制の確立に向けた切実な課題. 情報通信技術で革新する生態学ー加速するオープンデータとオープンサイエンス. 種生物学会 編, 責任編集 田辺晶史・大西亘.(オープンアクセス)


4.大澤剛士(2017)外来生物問題-湿地の新しい住人と人間の付き合い方を考える-. 湿地の科学と暮らし 北のウェットランド大全(矢部和夫・山田浩之・牛山克己監修),北海道大学出版会, 札幌.

3.共訳:地球規模生物多様性情報概況【Global Biodiversity Informatics Outlook 意訳・拡大版】


2.Munemitsu Akasaka, Akio Takenaka, Fumiko Ishihama, Taku Kadoya, Mifuyu Ogawa, Osawa T, Takehisa Yamakita, Shuichiro Tagane, Reiichiro Ishii, Shin Nagai, Hisatomo Taki, Takumi Akasaka, Hiroyuki Oguma, Toru Suzuki & Hiroya Yamano (2014) Development of a national land-use/cover dataset to estimate biodiversity and ecosystem services. In: Nakano, S., Yahara, T., and Nakashizuka, T. (eds.) The biodiversity observation network in the Asia-Pacific region: Integrative observations and assessments of Asian biodiversity. Springer.[査読あり]

1.田中哲夫 監修(2008)兵庫県の淡水魚. 兵庫県立人と自然の博物館 自然環境モノグラフ4号 情報収集・処理協力




15.大西尚樹・兼子 伸吾・大澤剛士・津田 吉晃(分担)ツキノワグマの駆除地域での管理ユニット策定と絶滅危機個体群での有害遺伝子の評価.2022年度科学研究費補助金(基盤B





10.高田まゆら・大澤剛士・田渕 研・吉岡明良(分担)農地景観の変化と気候変動が水田害虫の分布拡大に与える影響:長期データによる検証.平成28年度科学研究費補助金(基盤B


8.山中武彦・大澤剛士・中谷至伸・二橋 亮・立田晴記(分担)ケータイ端末を使った生物調査を成功させるには?トンボウォッチ!.平成27年度科学研究費補助金(挑戦的萌芽)

7.西廣 淳・鏡味麻衣子・大澤剛士・高川晋一(分担)携帯電話とハビタットモデルによる市民参加型生物多様性調査・評価システムの開発.平成26年度ニッセイ財団環境問題研究助成



4.水辺のフィールドミュージアム研究会(代表:久加朋子)簡単で効果あり! ニュータウンの自然を再生する方法おしえます.花王コミュニティ・ミュージアム・プログラム助成 2009年度

3.水辺のフィールドミュージアム研究会(代表:久加朋子)簡単で効果あり! ニュータウンの自然を再生する方法おしえます.花王コミュニティ・ミュージアム・プログラム助成 2008年度

2.水辺のフィールドミュージアム研究会(代表:久加朋子)簡単で効果あり! ニュータウンの自然を再生する方法おしえます.花王コミュニティ・ミュージアム・プログラム助成 2007年度

1.赤坂宗光・大澤剛士特定外来生物オオハンゴンソウの地下部再生能力の解明. 財団法人環境科学総合研究所 2007年度研究奨励金



A study of effects of river confluences on plant diversity in river ecosystems.


神戸大学博士論文(主査:丑丸敦史, 副査:武田義明,蛯名邦禎, 高見泰興, 田中哲夫)(敬称略)